PRP Injections

Lyndon Bradley offers Platelet-Rich-Plasma injections into the hip and knee. Platelets are cells which float in our blood stream and regulate healing. When activated a platelet cell will attract all the other healing cells and stimulate the environment to set off a “healing cascade” of proteins and cells. This is the natural healing process in our bodies. PRP injection into the joint takes your own platelets, concentrates them into a bundle of healing power and releases it into your joint.

This is proving to be very beneficial for early arthritis or people wanting to delay joint replacement surgery.

Plasma is the liquid component of our blood which contains a huge variety of proteins and cells that are vital for the normal functioning of the body. Platelets are specialised cells in our blood that have a major role in blood clotting but also produce proteins that are involved in healing of damaged tissues. Normally, platelets only make up a small percentage of the total number of cells in our blood however, it is possible to take a sample of blood from a patient and concentrate the number of platelets using a special filtration process to create “platelet-rich plasma” (PRP). This means that the sample now contains high amounts of platelets and proteins essential for stimulating healing.

Evidence is proving that the best results are being made with 3 injections 1-2 weeks apart. Although some people find that one  injection is also beneficial.

The injection procedure is straightforward and your surgeon can provide this in his rooms.He will use an ultrasound machine to ensure the appropriate area is accurately targeted in the hip. The skin is cleaned with antiseptic and sterile equipment is used. The needle required in usually no larger than is used in a blood test so most people do not experience undue discomfort from the injection procedure. It might be necessary to stop some medications such as anti-inflammatory medication, around the time of your procedure to make sure the treatment is effective as possible.

After the procedure, you will be able to return home and rest is generally advised for 48 hours. You might sometime experience an increase of pain in the area as the healing process begins for a brief period. You should be able to resume normal activities in a few days but might require a longer period away from high demand activities. You should discuss this with your surgeon prior to the procedure. It is expected that symptoms will continue to improve for up to 2 months following the procedure.

As the injection is made from your own blood, it is thought to carry a smaller risk of complications than other available medicines. The majority of patients who have a PRP injection experience no significant side effects but it is important to remember that any procedure carries some risk. This includes:

  • Transient increase in pain around the injection site
  • Rarely, infection at the injection site might occur which may require antibiotics or in extreme cases, surgery to washout the knee joint could be necessary

You should discuss the benefits and possible risks with your surgeon before agreeing to the procedure.

Currently, PRP injections are not covered by all insurance companies so it will be important to consider this before proceeding.

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